
Flex Roller
The Flex Roller is a flexible massage roller, great for getting those hard-to-reach places. It matches the curve of your body and aids in rejuvinating your muscles after an intense workout.

Pocket Pen
The pocket pen is a tiny keychain pen, perfect for those times that you're in a pinch and have a check or note to write, but no pen! Convenient and compact, you won't even notice it in your pocket.

Backpacking Spice Holder
Compact, easy to store, and modular, pack as many or as few spices as you want on your next backpacking trip to give your meals that extra zest!

Climbing Clip Stick
Attaches to a hiking pole or broom handle for a cost effective alternative to a standard clip stick

Custom magnets, lithophanes, corkboard decor, trinkets, and more!